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Created 11-Oct-13
34 photos

Play time with friends is one of Abigail's favorite things. She keeps a sharp eye out anytime we're in the yard, ever hopeful that any car slowing down might be bringing one of her buddies, or that a neighborhood friend might just be happening by so she can invite them in to play! And, oh, the joy - the pure unbridled happiness, when the playing begins! The running, romping, chasing, tugging, rolling, with a short break here and there, and then a play bow to start it all again! And as we watch, we rejoice in the fun being had by the puppy dogs that mean the world to us!
Abigail and NicholasAbigail and NicholasNothin' but teeth!Abigail and NicholasAbigail and NicholasAbigail and MaggieAbigail and LucyAbigail and Buddy BearAbigail and RudyAbigail and RudyAbigail and JoieAbigail and BentleyAbigail and BentleyAbigail and BentleyAbigail and BentleyAbigail and JoieAbigail and ChloeAbigail and ChloeAbigail and ChloeAbigail and Chloe

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Abigail, Dog, Golden Retriever, Playtime, Puppy