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Created 24-Jul-14
23 photos

I caught a few different animals awake and ready for their close-ups during some recent visits to the San Diego Zoo. A little animal therapy, a couple of photos, and a good walk…that’s a good recipe for happiness!
KoyaPure CatKima on Higher GroundJust Sittin'Moody Meerkat MomentLittle Bitty PigletCuriousBaby StepsMeal on the MoveCute in StripesComfortable SpotCrossed PawsGive It a RestKisses from Little BrotherStop Touching Me!WatchfulLong, Lean, and TallBright EyesManed Wolf On the MoveRelax...Be Happy!

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Animals, Mammels, San Diego Zoo